Our services.

The VES vip service.

Project Management.

When you hire us to build your site or work on your branding, you will be assigned to a dedicated project manager who will serve as your primary point of contact to ensure all items within your scope are completed within the allotted time and budget.


We test all of our websites for compatibility with latest common operating systems (Mac, PC, Android, iOS); latest common web browser versions and & latest common screen resolutions (optimized for Desktop view; Tablet view; and Mobile view).


We provide webinar and/ or phone training time to show you how to manage and maintain their WordPress/CMS once the site is ready to go live. Training time to be deducted from the project budget or added to the final invoice under the Time and Materials billing.

Warranty & Support.

We honor our website warranty and will provide clients with support* for 30 days after the website goes live. After the 30 days have expired clients can choose to go on a monthly maintenance plan or a retainer.

The VES way.

Rapid Prototyping.

Where we ideate, create then execute the ideas n small batch controlled releases. This allows us to be agile and flexible, giving us the time and the budget to change course if necessary.

Don’t Waste Time.

There’s nothing worse than spending a great deal of time and money on an idea, putting it on paper, talking about it in depth and hoping to finalize a perfect plan, then when time came to execute the idea, you realize the idea is flawed and doesn’t really work in reality.

Honor Your Passion.

Our Rapid Prototyping Process honors our client’s passion for their business ideas, but holds them accountable to the purpose of their idea. It relies on 100% collaboration, transparency and integrity of all parties involved in the process.

Quick & Doing

Find the quickest path to the user’s experience. Quickly move from guessing what works to building what works. Just Do It. Doing is the best kind of thinking and with that in mind the best way to improve a product or service is by learning from our own mistakes.

The VES process.


  • Intro
  • Discover
  • Explore
  • Research
  • Strategy

Rapid Prototyping.

  • IA
  • Site Map
  • Wireframe
  • Bootstrap
  • Coding/ HTML Conversion

Rapid Development.

  • Templating
  • Pagination
  • Staging Environment
  • Plugin integration
  • Content migration
  • Small Batch Releases


  • Proofread
  • Visual approvals
  • Usability Testing
  • Google Mobile-Friendly & PageSpeed Insight Testing
  • Rapid Bug Tracking and Fixes
  • Troubleshooting Live Environment
  • Content and links check


  • PRINT: Final print files per scope of work
  • Launch WEB: Final materials (raw art files, hi-res, website file migration to hosting server) per scope of work
  • Post-Launch check-in with client(s) product performance
  • Quality control & follow-up check-in
  • Revisit strategy to identify improvements

The VES wordpress.

We've been building WordPress sites since 2009, watched it transform from a simple blog platform to a full-scale, open-source CMS.

We love playing in the WordPress sandbox, have designed and built a variety of custom website projects, such as:

The VES protection.

WP Security & Vulnerability.

We provide our clients with all the latest guidelines and information for best practices of how to securely maintain their WordPress website. We constantly monitor WordPress software security news as they are frequently announced.

WP Managed Hosting & Support

We require all of our WordPress clients to sign up with a WordPress managed hosting and support package on a shared or dedicated WordPress compatible hosting server. Services are provided by our digital strategic partners NEXCESS & WP ENGINE. For plans and pricing please click on the preferred company name above.